Our offerings are tailored based on the individual needs of clients. Where possible we leverage your existing solutions to build a more complete cybersecurity stack. 

Cybersecurity Offerings

Specialized Trainings

Specialized Trainings

 Trainings  are tailored to meet our client needs with a focus to be impactful,  beneficial and still easy to follow for non-technical types.  Demonstrations are key to help drive training objectives. 

Security Assessments

Security Assessments

 Focus  is to test users and computers to identify immediate needs or  shortfalls in a non-intrusive manner. These services are excellent to  provide an initial look at an environment or provide a third party  prospective of things. 

Tabletop Exercises

Tabletop Exercises

Tabletops  enable companies to test and evaluate processes and procedures in a  safe and controlled environment. Exercises can be tailored for different  audiences to accomplish specific goals. 

Virtual CISO/CIO Services

Virtual CISO/CIO Services

Have  an established IT department but lack the guidance to achieve your  security, compliance and infrastructure goals? Secure Point can provide  virtual Chief Information Security Officer and Chief Information Officer  services to help plan, manage and monitor a security and IT programs. 

Cyber Defense Solutions

Cyber Defense Solutions

With  years of experience in many industries, we have cultivated a tool set  that we believe meets the needs of any client. A layered defense philosophy is designed to defeat cyber attacks first and minimize the damage second.  

Offensive Security Solutions

Offensive Security Solutions

Testing  includes not just network penetration but physical engagements to test your procedures against unauthorized personnel as well as the security controls in place. Offensive testing will often confirm or deny findings from vulnerability scans or test shortfalls not  previously known. 

Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability Management

Both  security and compliance needs demand not just the scanning of  vulnerabilities, but the assessment of cyber risks created by them and a  roadmap to mitigating them.

Trusted Cybersecurity Partners